​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​STAR in ScotlandScotland-Star-Logo.png

HouseMark Scotland has teamed up with SHBVN (Scottish Housing Best Value Network) to produce STAR in Scotland which combines the regulatory requirements under the Scottish Social Housing Charter with STAR's established framework for comparing satisfaction.

Landlords who follow STAR in Scotland guidance will not only obtain satisfaction results suitable for submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator, but will also be able to compare themselves with their peers in Scotland and the rest of the UK. Both HouseMark and SHBVN provide services for their members to conduct these comparisons.

The Scottish Housing Regulator's own guidance​ refers to STAR, in particular STAR's extensive bank of tried and tested questions available for landlords to choose from if they wish to extend their survey beyond the basic areas required by the regulator.

Guide to STAR in Scotland

This outlines the key elements and benefits of STAR in Scotland including extensive references to the SHR's regulatory requirements to promote compliance with both.

STAR questions for Scotland​

This is a full listing of STAR in Scotland's core, charter and optional satisfaction questions plus suggested demographic questions. This is a useful resource in deciding which questions should make up a STAR in Scotland survey to suit your needs and meet the regulator's requirements.

Other useful resources

STAR suppliers list (Scotland)​​

The 'neither option'


STAR in Scotland logos​

More information

For more information, email 

